People ask if Allah made me to be an arab, if He wanted me to know Arabic. I will be born in Arabs. So, its not my problem to learn Arabic because its not my native tongue. The answer to this is historical, you know Muslim, we have learnt the Quran and study it in the original language for a millennium and a half. And as I mention before, the vast majority of people on the face of this earth they call them selves a Muslim but they are not Arab. And even in the non-Arab parts of the Muslim world, Arabic has always be part of our tradition, our base education and our learning. It is only in the last couple of hundred years Arabic has been taken away from the curriculum and become secondary for a certain groups of people.
Otherwise in Muslim civilization, this is a standard component of education. Just like when you study even non-human things in sciences. When you study science, you study physics, you chemistry, you study biology, it's the standard in education. By the time you get to high school. The study of Arabic was the standard second language thought in all over the Muslim world. And that is the historical phenomenon.
So, there is nothing to do with being Arab or non-Arab. It just the language of this religion, the language of this Ummah.
5. "There are Arabs who understand the Qur'an but aren't very righteous, so why do you emphasize the learning of Arabic so much?"
This is actually a blinging. You could say, while this person knows about the religion, they know what's right and wrong. But they still don't change the way they behave. So, the issue isn't about being Arab or non-Arab, the issue is practicing what you know and that's not the problem for the people of the language but its the problem for anyone who know something to be true and doesn't follow it.
As far as Arabs knowing the language or not knowing the language, what we were presenting here, isn't that Arabic is the only thing you need to understand or appreciate the Quran or to become a better Muslim. What we are suggesting if you on this role to become a better Muslim, certainly the learning of Arabic is going to facilitate that journey. And its gonna be a key component in your relationship with the Quran. So, you should take it into consideration.
Its not the only requirement, but it certainly one of the biggest one.
6. "If the Quran were revealed today, would it have been revealed in English?"
This is actually not a good way of thinking about this problem. You know, we know that Allah speaks and Allah has complete wisdom. An absolute wisdom. He knew the people of this world, what languages they are going to speak and how society is going to change. And He knows with his ultimate wisdom that this is the final revelation.
So, just to even a route to the idea that if He sends something it will be more relevent or more appropriate for this time is to suggest that the Quran isn't relevant and isn't the solution for all. This cut the very base about what we believe in the Quran.
It is a universal guidance that transcend race, that transcend gender, that transcend nation. It's a universal human guidance. So, when we say Allah Azza Wajalla reveal the Quran in Arabic, we dont reduce its to just the Arabs. That He didn't reveal it to doesn't Arabs and they were the one who benefited from it and nobody else is benefited from it
History itself is a testimony against that. And it is only in our time that we find scepticism and even among Muslims of the relevance of the Quran. A question that hasn't occur for more over than a Millennium in regards to this book and this religion is now popping up which speaks up of the less and the lack of integrity and the credential of the question itself.
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