Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Arabic Series 5

13. "How do I get my family involved?"

This is something that will become so much easier on you if your wife, your children, your siblings are involve with you. Your parents indeed. So, one of the best thing you can do is have them come to Bayyinah program. My job, my collegues job are to get them motivated. To get them fired up to learn this thing together. So now, even if you got them to come to one session. Just the intro session, that's enough inshaAllah hu taala and you let us do the work of getting them fired up, of getting them motivated, that maybe you can't do that, well inshaAllah hu taala we can because that's our job to do so.

14. "What is the relationship between conversational Arabic and Quranic Arabic?"

This are actually two different studies that shouldn't be confused with each other. When you focused on conversational arabic, that does not necessarily mean that you made any significant progress in Quranic Arabic and vice versa.

Somebody may understand the Arabic of the Quran really well, but at the same time not understand much of the coversational Arabic or not even able to converse either.

So if you divide this two things and tackle one problem at a time, you will see better result. My recomendation is take on grammar and the Quran first because it is something you can keep up with on your own. Conversation you may not have enough opportunity to converse with someone at any given time but Quran is gonna come up when you pray, is gonna come up when you recite. So tackle that area first that is why we teach Quran and Arabic frst at Bayyinah because it is the easiest excess to Arabic for the average Muslim.

And then, after that when you have a lill bit of famialirity in that, now you move on to conversational Arabic which has its own benefit because when you learn a conversation in Arabic, you can take advantage of the Arabic lectures, classes, you can read Arabic articles, Arabic books. Things like that. That will come afer you study a lil bit of conversational Arabic.

But in the beginning, focus your energies and your concentration on Quranic Arabic.

15. "Is there anything I can do to significantly boost my progress in learning Arabic and the Qur'an?"

Yes there are. The first and the most important thing you should worry about is your reading fluency, how well and how fast you can read. If you are reading slowly, concern yourselves with that first, become good at reading at a decent fluent level, the very next thing whether you understand it or not, make it a project to your life to give yourselves half an hour, 20 minutes a day, to memorize something from the Quran.

The more Quran you memorise, the better your experience become and in the context of this discussion, the better the understanding of your Arabic becomes. Its easier for you to learn Arabic, when you memorize the best excerpts of Arabic available, and there are already in your head. So, when you learn a concept you can apply it to ayat that you already know, that already been memorized by you and you repeat them often. It's a automatic practice.

If you are serious about learning Arabic, then you better be serious of memorizing the Quran as much as you possibly can also. InshaAllahu taala.

By the way, I would recommed, our collegue have an entire program of tips on how to memorize the Quran in a part time basics effectively. So inshaAllah hu taala take advantage of that and begin your journey to learn and to analyse this book.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Braces lesson

Last time my nine years old sister watched the television and she saw someone wearing this.

I'm sitting next to her. Then she said:

"orang tu pakai gelang kat gigi dia"

and I said:


What i want to say here is, although we are looking at the same thing but the way she think is not the same like what I think of. It is clear to me that the person in the TV is wearing a braces but this is not clear to her (my sister). Maybe because she never saw anyone with braces before.

Then I explained to her about braces and she seems to have more questions coming over. (Just like my TOK essay title: In expanding the knowledge we but increase the horizon of ignorance)

So, when applied this situation in the real world, we see the same thing happen everyday but everyone has their own way of interpreting them. It is not because I am right or you are wrong or vice versa. It is just the way we think. Just like my sister thought that braces is a bracelet wearing at the teeth.

If somehow you have a contradicting view with someone else, there's nothing to argue about. Just take some time to discuss.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Arabic Series 4

10. "When it comes to learning Arabic, where do I begin?"
The place to begin is your intention and your motivation. I tell my students all the time. The first thing you are going to need when you study the Arabic language is motivation and the first thing you are going to lose when you studying Arabic the language is also motivation.

So keep in mind that you are doing this for a really nobel cause. The best motivation you can remind of your self over and over again and you will never on dry are the words of Allah Himself. "We made the Quran easy already. No doubt about it for the purpose of remembrance" Allah says He made it easy.

If that is not a motivetion for a believer I don't know what it is. So keep that as your first point , your starting point by which you continue. This is the firs thing, your intention.

The second thing, focus on the Arabic of the Quran. Instead of focusing on conversation of Arabic from the beginning, which may or may not be a sourec of motivation for you. If you learn the Arabic of the Quran, and you focus on it, its something that you can keep up with easily and something that you see results in immediately when you start reading the Fatihah or Al-Baqarah or something like that because you are able to applied very quickly even on your own. InsyaAllah.

So, start with regular reading the Quran. And study the grammar and the vocabulary applied to the Quran itself.

11. "How do I continue my Arabic studies effectively?"
Here you need to take some consideration. Take some things into consideration rather. The first of them is your time restriction. You have a full-time job. You are a student. You are busy with family. You are busy with many things. To effectively keep up with Arabic studies, dont forces your self into a full time type schedule. Give your self a part time schedule. Ten to fifteen minutes or half an hour a day, an hour every two days. Something like that, something light on you. Something you can keep up with that you can use to continue.

After you have this time problem solved, that you dedicated some times to this study, the second issue you have to consider your self with is the curriculum. More important than the teacher even. I say this because you can have a great teacher but a terrible curriculum, and the results wont be that good because the curriculum doesn't go far enough.

And you can have an OK teacher, not that good of a teacher. But a fantastic curiculum and you will still see significantly a better result. So concern yourselves with a good curriculum and applied it at a given place, the thing that you have to consider for yourselves when you want to continue effectively is measured growth.

Don't think too far ahead. Give your self a limited goal. For example you want to accomplish this much this week. This less and this few words I'm going to learn. This one rule of grammmar I want to learn this week or this few weeks. That's all you concern yourselves with.

Dont be overwhelmed by what you dont know just concern yourselves with what you do know.

12. "How do I know I'm progressing in my Arabic?"
You gauge your progress by reading Quran. You read the Quran from the very beginning or take the Surah you already memorize. You start picking up the vocabulary. You study the grammar. You study the translation. And now you are reading on your own when they are sitting in the Masjid. And you just reciting the Quran and you dont get something.

Now you know you are stumbling about what word you dont get. Concern yourselves with those words. Concern yourselves with developing questions around the part of Quran you dont understand. This will enhance your knowledge of Quran, simultaneously enhance your knowlegde of language. So, gauge your progress by means of checking your comprehension when you sit there and you recite the Quran.

If you understand very little. You make little progress. But, by the next week or the next month, if you understanding a little bit better. You know a lot more on the page about what's going on. You can smell a lot more words now. And there is progress that has been made. So gauge yourselves. Give yourselves a limited goal. A score of passage in the Quran that you concern yourselves with and you focus on them and you see your progress within them and that's how you should gauge your progress.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Here and there

Last week, I attended a pre-departure program organized by a society known as IMAM (I just heard of this) . And I just realised that this is my fourth time attending such camp. Why am I attending so much of such camp? I wonder too. Well, maybe because living in the capital of the city ease me to go here and there. Overall, I have to say that all the pre-departure program that I went to were beneficial and different from each others. So, if you have the chance to go to any pre-departure program, do not miss it.

Here I want to share about the pre-departures program that I had joined and things that I learnt.

1. Program Semai Mesra '09
Organizer: Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA)
Date: 9 - 11 January 2009
Venue: Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam Shah Alam, Selangor
Website: http://www.semaimesra.wordpress.com/

Ok. This was my first camp. At this time I still didnt know that such camp is called a pre-departure program. I just started my Sem 4 at KMB while attending the program.

So, basically, the program is meant for Australia and New Zealand bounded student. Last time I am a New Zealand bounded. That's why I joined the program. Since this was my first time attending the program, I heard a lot of new things about life in oversea.

In short:

>Many participants attending the program.

>I met my schoolmate too. (She's pursuing medic in Newcastle, OZ).

>During the Fiqh of traveller session, I first time heard about KHUF (useful to ease you when taking ablution)

>Heard many stories from the seniors. One of the story that I still remember was by a sister who is studying in Australia: Kakak ni dan beberapa orang rakan telah pergi ke sebuah pantai yang famous dan lawa di OZ. Kemudian mereka berdiri di tepi pantai itu sambil ombak-ombak kecil membasahi kaki mereka. Mereka baca ma'thurat sambil berpegangan tangan. Kemudian datang ombak besar. Mereka teruskan membaca ma'thurat. Then, ombak itu sujud di depan mereka dan mereka tidak dibasahi air. Ombak itu sebenarnya sujud pada kalimah-kalimah Allah. Subhanallah. Saya kagum sungguh bila dengar cerita ini.

>They are lot more nice stories.

Overall, I enjoy the program but still do not have the feel since I do not know my future university yet at that time. (Other participants who joined the program fly in February)

2. Fly High Aussie-Newzie 2009
Date: 16 - 18 January 2009
Venue: Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia (ILIM)
Website: http://www.flyhighoznz2009.wordpress.com/

Another camp for OZNZ bounded. The best thing about this program is the venue. A room is shared by 2 people. And the room was air-conditioned. =D Very comfortable. The speakers are great too. I got the chance to meet Ustaz Hazrizal (He owned this blog). His talk was really cool and I hardly fallen asleep (like I used to when hearing any talk). The lecture hall was good too. It has really nice sound system that I am able to record the talk from the speakers by my Nokia 5200 phone. Really cool.

In short:

>Again, heard about Khuf during the Fiqh of traveller session. Khuf can last for 3 days for travellers and only one day for non travellers.

>How to solat in Flight?

>Just know that Ustaz Haz lived in Ireland before. So, he kind of have lots of story to share about life in oversea.

>During the session with seniors, i joined the NZ group. The seniors told about how nice NZ was. At that time, I felt so wanted to go to NZ. Their stories really inspire me. They told us that in NZ, there are not much crime. Sometimes, a story about a death of a dog become a headline for a week (This is funny =D).

>Many shops there close at 5 pm everyday.

>Make new friends. Aqeelah and Lisa.

>heard about how winter is so cold that you don't even dare to touch the water. hmm...

>I just know that during some seasons (not sure what season) , the gap between solah time is too short. How do you know that it is already solah time?

>Lots more informational things...

Overall, this program was different from the one that I had attended earlier. So, what I want to say here, although they were the same program, the content was different and I got to learnt different things. So, it is worth it joining both program rather than just one.

3. Banting Extended Experience 09 (BEE 09)
Organizer: Ex-Kmbians
Date: 31 July - 2 August 2009
Venue: Kolej Keris Mas, UKM Bangi
Website: http://www.bee09.com/index

This is the first time BEE was held. So, I understand if there's any flaws here and there. Not to say that the program is not good but since it was its first time, I can say that the program is not that bad and can improve a lot more. One thing for sure, some of the activities were different from the first two that I had attended. It was FUN indeed.

For example, there are lot more practicals, informative explorace and lots of debate. There is also short drama by the participants where we have to act on the situation given. After all, its nice to hear from the seniors about their life and how some of them are now in their fourth year and coping well there.

However, sad to say that not many students join BEE. I heard that there are about hundreds who registered but about less than 30 who able to make it. The numbers of facis are almost the same with the number of participants. You can view the pictures at the website. We were divided into groups. They are 6 groups. My groups consist of 5 people (only) and we have 3 facis. =D

This program is actually made for any bound but it focused more on those who are going to UK and IRELAND since most of them will fly in September. All the facis also are from UK and Eire. I'm going to Czech but heard many stories about UK and Eire ... hmm.. It'll be easier for me to travel in the future then. Surrounding by people who are going to UK and Eire make me feel awkward sometimes. But, I don't mind... After the program, somehow I wish I could study in UK or Ireland.

So, in short, things I got from the programme:

>Got and IN[SIGHT] about UK and Ireland

>UK Visa application is really complicated whereas for Ireland, Visa is not needed. But the student need to have GARDA card (hope I got it right)

>Seniors suggest us to go travel while we are in our sfirst and second year. The rest of the year will be busy

>A sister told me that the money from sponsor is enough for you to survive. No need to work. Just know how to manage your finance well.

>Halal Food. In UK and Ireland there are plenty of Halal food. (Not in Czech I guess) When buying foods, just make sure that the ingredients are free from alcohol. (Alchohol has many names. Just take note) . Vegetarian food is always halal unless if it contains alcohol.

>First time heard the word 'whey powder'. This is not halal

>Solat. You can solat just about everywhere as long as the place is clean. My group did a presentation on this. You can perform prayer in the fitting room(if you are in the shopping complex), car park, chapel, airport, in the flight and etc. Just make sure you always bring a compass with you. Do you know how to read the compass? Better learn..

>Get to know what is PUISI-Ireland and FUIYO-UK. Those are winter camp and organized in December. Everyone is invited. Can I go?

>Know a bit about IMAM. There are Students Chapter (SC) and Doctors Chapter (DC)

>One of the faci in my group is studying in Manchester Uni. She's going into third year. She told about PBL where there is only 4 to 5 lectures a week. And the test is Multiple Choice Question. The uni use Normal Distribution to give the result.

>One of the speaker is Akh Fakrul Razi. He was a KMBian too last time. (Batch 1993 I guess). He is married now and have children already. Her wife is a doctor and she was paired with her husband for the forum session. Her wife is not KMB anyway. But I have to say that I really enjoy the forum and heard many nice (and bad) story from an experienced doctor.

>Married but still studying? How? =D

>A friend give me this book. Thanks Madi...

Overall, I believe BEE can improved a lot more and it is really a beneficial to those who participate. Thinking of becoming one of the faci next year. Hmm..

4. IMAM Pre-Departure 2009
Organizer: IMAM UK RIRE Student Chapter
Date: 7 - 8 August 2009
Venue: Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam Shah Alam, Selangor
Website: no website but this is the organizer's Yahoo Group [klik]

OK. This pre dept is different from the rest since it focused on medic only. Do you know what is IMAM? It stands for Islamic Medical Association Malaysia. We were briefed about IMAM history (but I do not remember much). Maybe you can read more here. But I know that there are IMAM Malaysia, IMAM Russia, IMAM India and so forth. IMAM Czech Republic just started in 2007 (I read this somewhere)

I know that this pre dept is focusing on UK and Ireland(again) but I still attracted to go since I wanna here the talk by the speakers. They are great speakers. And this ad attracted me too.

In short:

> Not so many participants. Only 2 boys attended. The rest are girls (over all <20)>> This pre dept got so many practical activities: Solah in the garden (we pray on the tar. Nice experience), got the chance to learn OSCE (First time heard about this. I learnt about how to take blood pressure, stethoscope, history taking, first aid and pulses. )

> Inspired by the talk from Prof Amal and prof Latif. I cant recall prof Amal profile but Prof Latif is one of the Dean at CUCMS. One thing for sure, they are great doctors.

> Again I heard about how winter is so cold. Often heard that winter can be so cold that you can become demotivated somehow. Can winter affected me?

> Talk from Prof Latif: He said medicine is tough. You got to be strong. Failure can make you feel down but do not give up.

>Chat with the sisters: they jokingly said that pre-dept MARA (which will be held this coming 19 aug) is boring and some of them skip out. Hmm.. boring?

>Glad that I joined this!

Ok. I guess that's all for now about my view on Pre-departure briefing that I have attended. I like all of them in any way and hope all these can help me in the future InsyaAllah.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nisfu Syaaban

Ya. Rata-rata ramai yangsudah mengetahui bahawa malam ini ialah malam nisfu syaaban. Tadi sempat juga berjemaah di Masjid dan baca Yaasin 3 kali. Alhamdulillah.

Tapi, apa maknanya malam nisfu syaaban ni? Apa yang special? Banyak yang saya tak tahu rupanya.

So, masa nak tulis post ni, searh la kat google about Nisfu Syaaban.

Jadi saya jumpa ini. (Copy paste je)

Nisfu dlm bahasa arab beerti setengah. Nisfu Syaaban beerti setengah bulan Syaaban. Malam Nisfu Syaaban adalah malam lima-belas Syaaban iaitu siangnya empat-belas haribulan Syaaban.

Malam Nisfu Syaaban merupakan malam yang penuh berkat dan rahmat selepas malam Lailatul qadr. Saiyidatina Aisyah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi saw tidak tidur pada malam itu sebagaimana yg tersebut dalam sebuah hadis yg diriwayatkan oleh Iman Al-Baihaqi r.a:

Rasulullah saw telah bangun pada malam (Nisfu Syaaban) dan bersembahyang dan sungguh lama sujudnya sehingga aku fikir beliau telah wafat. Apabila aku melihat demikian aku mencuit ibu jari kaki Baginda saw dan bergerak. Kemudian aku kembali dan aku dengar Baginda saw berkata dalam sujudnya, "Ya Allah aku pohonkan kemaafanMu daripada apa yg akan diturunkan dan aku pohonkan keredhaanMu daripada kemurkaanMu dan aku berlindung kepadaMu daripadaMu. Aku tidak dapat menghitung pujian terhadapMu seperti kamu memuji diriMu sendiri."
Setelah Baginda saw selesai sembahyang, Baginda berkata kpd Saiyidatina Aisyah r.a. "Malam ini adalan malam Nisfu syaaban. Sesunguhnya Allah Azzawajjal telah datang kepada hambanya pada malam Nisfu syaaban dan memberi keampunan kpd mereka yg beristighfar, memberi rahmat ke atas mereka yang memberi rahmat dan melambatkan rahmat dan keampunan terhadap orang-orang yang dengki."

Hari nisfu sya'aban adalah hari dimana buku catatan amalan kita selama setahun diangkat ke langit dan diganti dengan buku catatan yang baru. Catatan pertama yang akan dicatatkan dibuku yang baru akan bermula sebaik sahaja masuk waktu maghrib, (15 Sya'aban bermula pada 14 hb sya'aban sebaik sahaja masuk maghrib)

Berikut adalah antara amal ibadah di hari Nisfu Sya'aban:

1.Solat sunat nisfu sya'aban - terdapat dua cara mengerjakan solat sunat ini

Sembahyang 100 rakaat dengan memberi salaam selepas setiap 2 rakaat. Surah Al-Ikhlas dibaca sebanyak 11 kali setelah setiap rakaat setelah membaca surah al-Fatihah

Sembahyang 10 rakaat dengan memberi salaam selepas setiap 2 rakaat. Surah Al-Ikhlas dibaca sebanyak 100 kali setelah setiap rakaat setelah membaca surah al-Fatihah

2. Membaca Yasin 3x selepas solat Maghribnya

i) Yasin pertama : mohon dipanjangkan umur untuk beribadat kepada Allah

ii) Yasin kedua : mohon rezeki yang halal untuk beribadat kepada Allah

iii) Yasin ketiga : mohon ditetapkan iman dan Islam & mati di dalam iman

3. Berpuasa pada siangnya (mulai pagi esoknya-15 Syaaban)


NOTE: Moga hari mendatang lebih baik.

Ringkas 3

"Avoid suspicion as much as: for suspicion in some cases is a sin; and do not spy on each other, nor speak ill of each other behind their backs" (Al-Quraan, Surah Hujurat Ayat 12).

"He brings you back to life each day, so that the appointed term be fulfilled; in the end, to Him shall you return" (Al-Quraan, Surah An'aam Ayat 60).

Umar bin Abdul Aziz berkata"Tidak ada sesuatu nikmat yg di kurniakan Allah swt,kepada seseorang,lalu diambil kembali nikmat itu sedangkan orang itu menerima takdir yang menimpa dirinya dengan sabar, melainkan Allah akan menggantikan yang lebih baik bagi dirinya"

"On that Day (of judgement), whoever has done an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever has done an atom's weight of evil will see it" (Al Quraan, Surah Al-Zalzala Ayat 7-8)

"Sebaik-baik wanita adalah yang apabila diberi sesuatu dia bersyukur, dan apabila tidak diberi apa-apa dia bersabar, yang menyenangkan hati mu bila kamu melihatnya, dan mentaatimu bila kamu menyuruhnya." (Maksud Hadis Nabi S.A.W).

"Dan orang-orang yang menahan marahnya serta memaafkan kepada orang banyak dan Allah itu mencintai orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan." (ali-lmran: 134)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Ini Soleha ke? Bukan la. Inikan Marshanda.

Ini baru Soleha.

Hari-hari pertamanya.

Soleha lahir di HUKM

Soleha ni adik saya.

Hari ini genap Soleha 10 bulan.

Soleha lahir pada 5 Oktober 2009.

Soleha keluar ikut tingkap. Faham kan?

Kenapa namakan Soleha?

Mungkin impak sinetron Soleha yang ditayangkan ketika itu.


Soleha makan comot

ish ish

Gambar terbaru

Apapun, moga Soleha bakal jadi anak yang solehah.

Insya Allah.

p/s: Anak-anak ibarat kain putih. Kitalah yang mencorakkannya.

Arabic Series 3

7. "My native language has a lot of similar words to Arabic, so when I read the Qur'an I get the gist of what its saying. Why should I bother to learn the Arabic then?"
This are very common misconception. When words travel from one language to another they change in meaning. So, in Arabic, if a word is the same and even it is spell exactly the same way as it is in your native language, it is no guarantee that it means the same exact thing.

I give you an example. The word 'Ihsan' in Arabic means 'excellence', 'to do ones best'. In the word 'Ihsan' in the Urdu language for example, it means 'to do one a favour'. A completely different words. Now, the word is use in the Quran and it is use in the Arabic sense meaning excellence. But if an Urdu speaks or read it and says, 'Hey, I know this word, it means favour'. Then they are misunderstanding with the Quran sync.

So just because you have common words from the Arabic language that doesn't mean you actually know the meaning of those words in the Arabic language. Take it a step further, even the classical Arabic, its connotation of certain words are different from those same exact words in modern Arabic.

So, we have to specifically study the Arabic of the Quran.

8. "If I'm already learning Arabic vocabulary, why do I have to learn grammar - especially when I'm already learning the meanings of the words?"
Language is more than just the meaning of words. Language is how words come together and form new meanings. You think about it this way. If you know the word "give" in English, you know what that means already .And if you know what the word "up" means, you know what direction its talking about.

But when I say "give up". It's a completely different meaning. It has nothing to do with "give" or with "up". It came up and form a new meaning that didn't exist in isolation.

So, just because you learn words in the Quran in isolation or Arabic words in isloation, that isn't a substitute or that isn't in itself enough for you to ignore the concept of grammars, expressions,syntax, language that have to be learnt especially when it comes to the book of Allah s.w.t

9. "What's the best translation of the Qur'an?"
I get asked this a lot. What's the best translation of the Quran? And I used to have an answer to that. But I can't in all honestly recommend a translation anymore. And I'll tell you why.

In the very beginning of this series of questions I share with you that people say, what's lost in translations? What's lost in translation is so powerful and so monumental in size that if I suggest to you that the translation is going to be justice to what Allah is saying in the Arabic, I would be selling the Quran shortly.

The only thing I can recommend as far for the translation is that the English translation of the quran is recommended only for Arabics students who are trying to figure out what did translator have in mind when he was addressing this particular issue or that particular issue.

So, you look at 4 translation, not one. You look at all of them that you can find, and you look at each of them and see what Arabic principle did the translator address in this translation or what did he failed to address in this translation.

I don't recommend translation of Quran for people that aren't studying Arabic at all. If you want to understand the Quran without being the student of the Arabic language, or being student of tafseer, read the tafseer, read the english tafseer, listen to the syeikh give tafseer of Quran. This is the better way and more productive way for you to learn the Arabic language and learn things about the Quran than just raw reading of translation. InsyaAllah

Give Thanks To Allah

My 9 year old sister seems to memorize this song. I am quite impress since she manage to sing the English song very well. Including the Arabic part. Not to say that its good to memorize a song, but somehow she learnt how to speak English. Maybe because she thought that the song was sang by Michael Jackson. She asked about Michael Jackson quite a lot too. Below is the complete lyrics:

GIve Thanks to Allah
by Zain Bikha

Give thanks to Allah,
For the moon and the stars
Prays in all day full,
What is and what was
Take hold of your iman
Don't givin to shaitan
Oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
Hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir

Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
He is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.

Give thanks to Allah,
For the moon and the stars
Prays in all day full,
What is and what was
Take hold of your iman
Don't givin to shaitan
Oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghefor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibo el Mohsinin,
Hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahoa ala kolli sheiin khadir

Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
He is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.