Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad saw, keluarga baginda dan para sahabat. Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah swt kerana dengan izinnya, jari jemari ini masih lagi mampu untuk melakar kata di sini. Walaupun sudah sekian lama dibiarkan sepi.
InsyaAllah, nak berkongsi satu hadis. Hadis ni biasa didengari jugak la..
Sabda Rasulullah saw yang bermaksud "Seorang mukmin adalah cermin bagi mukmin yang lain"[ HR:At-Thabbrani dari Anas ra.]
Sebenarnya dah banyak tafsiran yang memperkatakan tentang hadis ni. Antaranya, boleh baca kat sini and sini.
InsyaAllah, this is just a litte from me..
Secara jujurnya, diri ini baru2 juga mendengar tentang hadis ini. Kurang pembacaan maybe.
At first, my understanding towards the hadis is, 'when you see other people you are actually seeing yourselves'. Which is towards some extent is true. At least for me.
But maybe I need to extent my view a little bit.
'when you see other people you are actually seeing yourselves, and what should you do?'
Just imagine looking into a mirror and you see something on your face (say a stain of chocolate on the cheek)
What should you do? Of course cleaning up the dirt.
You will not let the stain of chocolate remain on your face for other people to see.
That if you really look into the mirror.
So, when the hadith say, a Muslim is a mirror of another Muslim , we see ourselves through the people around us. If we see an error anywhere, our action is to correct the error so that we reflect a good image on the mirror. In other words, we have to do something when 'looking into the mirror' so that the image shown on the mirror will be as desired. Did you get me?
Remind me if I forget and insyaAllah you will be reminded.
Somehow this post turn out to be written in English. Don’t understand how this brain can think in such way. God's creations are always the greatest and therefore can do great things. But the soul has to be added in.
From now on, do not just look into the mirror, but look into the mirror and correct any deformities.
That's all for now.
Looking into the mirror.
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