Saturday, April 10, 2010


Praise be to Allah for enabling us to breath once again today. To be able to see His wonders. To be able to listen to His words. To be able to taste His love. To be able to smell His kindness.

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

Every single day when we wake up, what's the first think that comes to our mind?

"What's the time now?", will probably be our first question. No matter we wake up from our usual night sleep or from a short nap or from any other sleep at anytime.

It shows that how time play an important role in our daily life. Because time determine our every single action. When we sleep, we are not capable of doing anything since we are in an unconcious state that prevent us from doing anything. The most that we can do is breathing as a sign that we are still alive. But our mind are swithced off to send signal for us to do any physical activities.

However, this dose not mean that our mind is completely off. When we sleep, our mind are just resting after full day of working and still conduct minor activities. That is why, we can have a dream when we sleep due to the activity of the mind that made it possible for us to think when we sleep.

Here's a quick fact about what happens during sleep:

You don't notice it, of course, but while you're asleep, your brain is still active. As people sleep, their brains pass through five stages of sleep. Together, stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep make up a sleep cycle. One complete sleep cycle lasts about 90 to 100 minutes. So during an average night's sleep, a person will experience about four or five cycles of sleep.

Stages 1 and 2
are periods of light sleep from which a person can easily be awakened. During these stages, eye movements slow down and eventually stop, heart and breathing rates slow down, and body temperature decreases. Stages 3 and 4 are deep sleep stages. It's more difficult to awaken someone during these stages, and when awakened, a person will often feel groggy and disoriented for a few minutes.

Stages 3 and 4 are the most refreshing of the sleep stages — it is this type of sleep that we crave when we are very tired.
The final stage of the sleep cycle is known as REM sleep because of the rapid eye movements that occur during this stage. During REM sleep, other physical changes take place — breathing becomes rapid, the heart beats faster, and the limb muscles don't move. This is the stage of sleep when a person has the most vivid dreams.
Sleep is essential. But overdose sleep or sleepless is not a good lifestyle. We need sleep to regenerate our brain. To be more refresh. To be more healthy. And the most importantly to be able to perform our responsibility towards HIM .
Have you got enough sleep today? Or, are you just woke up from 'after subuh' sleep? What ever the condition is, we know ourselves better. Sometimes, we sleep not because we are tired. Not because we are sleepy. Maybe we sleep just to runaway from the world for a while.

He is Who has appointed for you the night taht you may rest therein, and the day to make things visible (to you). Verily, in this ayat (proofs, evidences,verses, lessons, signs, revelation, etc) for a people who listen (ie. those who think deeply). [Yusuf:10:67]

SLEEP. The best sleep is when coupled with the intention of Allah.


"Still sleeping" Wake me up!

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