This is something that will become so much easier on you if your wife, your children, your siblings are involve with you. Your parents indeed. So, one of the best thing you can do is have them come to Bayyinah program. My job, my collegues job are to get them motivated. To get them fired up to learn this thing together. So now, even if you got them to come to one session. Just the intro session, that's enough inshaAllah hu taala and you let us do the work of getting them fired up, of getting them motivated, that maybe you can't do that, well inshaAllah hu taala we can because that's our job to do so.14. "What is the relationship between conversational Arabic and Quranic Arabic?"
15. "Is there anything I can do to significantly boost my progress in learning Arabic and the Qur'an?"
This are actually two different studies that shouldn't be confused with each other. When you focused on conversational arabic, that does not necessarily mean that you made any significant progress in Quranic Arabic and vice versa.
Somebody may understand the Arabic of the Quran really well, but at the same time not understand much of the coversational Arabic or not even able to converse either.
So if you divide this two things and tackle one problem at a time, you will see better result. My recomendation is take on grammar and the Quran first because it is something you can keep up with on your own. Conversation you may not have enough opportunity to converse with someone at any given time but Quran is gonna come up when you pray, is gonna come up when you recite. So tackle that area first that is why we teach Quran and Arabic frst at Bayyinah because it is the easiest excess to Arabic for the average Muslim.
And then, after that when you have a lill bit of famialirity in that, now you move on to conversational Arabic which has its own benefit because when you learn a conversation in Arabic, you can take advantage of the Arabic lectures, classes, you can read Arabic articles, Arabic books. Things like that. That will come afer you study a lil bit of conversational Arabic.
But in the beginning, focus your energies and your concentration on Quranic Arabic.
Yes there are. The first and the most important thing you should worry about is your reading fluency, how well and how fast you can read. If you are reading slowly, concern yourselves with that first, become good at reading at a decent fluent level, the very next thing whether you understand it or not, make it a project to your life to give yourselves half an hour, 20 minutes a day, to memorize something from the Quran.
The more Quran you memorise, the better your experience become and in the context of this discussion, the better the understanding of your Arabic becomes. Its easier for you to learn Arabic, when you memorize the best excerpts of Arabic available, and there are already in your head. So, when you learn a concept you can apply it to ayat that you already know, that already been memorized by you and you repeat them often. It's a automatic practice.
If you are serious about learning Arabic, then you better be serious of memorizing the Quran as much as you possibly can also. InshaAllahu taala.
By the way, I would recommed, our collegue have an entire program of tips on how to memorize the Quran in a part time basics effectively. So inshaAllah hu taala take advantage of that and begin your journey to learn and to analyse this book.