Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Concept of Tawakkal



Today is the second day of  the second month of the year 2013.

Suddenly feel like wanna share something from the talk that I heard from youtube. Plus that I am in this period of exams now, I find that the messages in this video were really beneficial.

You can watch it HERE.

or you can read the notes that I had written here.

The speaker start by sharing the ayat from Surah At Talaq, the one which we commonly called as 'Ayat seribu dinar'.

Look in your quran for this ayat kayh: Surah At Talaq:verse 3 

Definitions of TAWAKKAL: 
1. To rely on Allah swt for bringing all that is good for us in our life; and to dispel everything that is evil and harmful for us away from our life.
 2. To have complete certainty in that which Allah swt has and to despair from that which people own. 

Misundestanding in the concept of tawakkal: 
1. Negates from making use of means (ways). 
2. Look down upon the means as weak and think that it might not be helpful on us. 
3. Rely solely on the means.

Having reliance on Allah does not negates us from making use of means (ways). Relying on Allah means, whatever means Allah swt has give, you make outmost and the best out of them, and the result you leave to Allah. We are no one to look down upon the means in front of us. Believe that Allah will not put us in place which we are not capable of. At the same time, never ever rely solely on the means.

Fruits of TAWAKKAL. 
1. Peace of mind 
2. Help from Allah 
3. Courage and bravery inside you 
4. You attain love of Allah 
5. Allah will enter you into Jannah 

I really like the part where the speaker mention about the fruits of tawakkal. Let us strive for it!!! and hope for nothing other than Allah only. 

Alrite, that is all.

You can download this cool software that the speaker had mention here.

May Allah guide us in everything that we do and whatever happened onto us, we take is as a tarbiyyah. Just like learning medicine is a lesson; LIFE too is a lesson and Allah is teaching us.

Gambar Hiasan: Sang Mujahid :)

Keep on holding tight to HIM

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